LESSON TIME: Please be on time. Lessons will begin and end promptly in an effort to accommodate both your busy schedule and mine. Please consider lessons as something to which you are committed and are expected to attend at the time agreed upon. Parents are welcome to observe the lesson at any time.
PIANO MAINTENANCE: Protect your investment – get your piano tuned at least once a year! The best times for tunings are either late April-early May or late October-early November. Avoid tuning during the summer months (the temperature & humidity changes are too extreme, and your piano would quickly go out of tune). Out-of-tune instruments can cause major frustration to a student who realizes that their piano “sounds different” from the teacher’s and can therefore inhibit progress. Rates for a tuning range from $45 – $70. A tuner/technician I can recommend is Greg Gavin (651-644-3111) (if you would like other names, please let me know).
PRACTICE TIME: You will achieve the best results if you set up a daily practice schedule as soon as each new season approaches, whether it be the school year or summer vacation. A “set time” each day will help you remember without constantly having to be reminded and will also help insure that you are getting your money’s worth out of music lessons.
MAKE-UPS: Make-ups will be given if there is an opening that works both for teacher and student. In order to receive a make-up, I must have 24 hours’ notice. Make-ups will not be given for matters of personal choice (hair appointments, etc.), last-minute cancellations, “no-shows”, or any time when advance notification is not given. I will reschedule lessons if I have to be away on your lesson day.